E.ON Next by E.ON
Brand Design
R/GA Berlin, 2021
A Renewable Energy Brand with a Whole Lot of Character
E.ON, one of the biggest energy suppliers in Europe, recently acquired another energy supplier based in the UK. This new acquisition had a goal: to start their journey from being just an energy supplier to becoming a sustainability company. They needed a brand that would represent the newest, next face of E.ON.
E.ON Next is designed to be a bit different. To be more visionary, more customer-centric, and more progressive – all in the service of sustainability. So put our (good) energy into creating a character brand that provided a dose of positivity as they embarked on their journey to do better for their customers, and most of all, our planet.
My Role
Christian Butte, GCD
Corey Lewis, CD
Alexis Waller, Design Director
Lais Rogerio, Senior Designer
Conrad Theron, Copywriter
Illustrations—Marco Palmieri
Typography—Mathieu Réguer
iF Design Award 2022