A Brand that Sparks Evolution

We are in the midst of an invisible crisis: on and in nearly everything we buy are petrochemicals that can build up in our water and food supplies and our bodies. Consumers are becoming more savvy and demanding a better way. The scientists at Silk Inc. invented just that: pure silk protein, from natural silk cocoons, in liquid form. Silk, Inc. needed a brand that could help potential partners and the public understand and embrace this invisible technology’s potential —and ultimately, start a green chemistry movement.

Full case study on Behance

Client: Evolved by Nature
Agency: R/GA
Type: Brand Design

My Role
Associate Designer: Art Direction & Design

Dream Team
Executive Creative Director: Mike Rigby Creative Director, Design: Augustus Cook Creative Director, Verbal: Jenn Vano Associate Creative Directir, Corey Lewis
Senior Designer: Sam McGuiness
Senior Designer: Bruno Dasilva
3D Designer: Bruno Dasilva
Senior Verbal Designer: Julianna Esposito
Associate Designer: Kayla Watson
Motion Designer: Gavin Shapiro
Typographer: Mathieu Réguer


Saysh Two Campaign